Friday, January 24, 2014

Paranormal Phenomenon List - Rejected Entry Archive

In what I guess is called pre-spring cleaning, I’ve decided to remove certain entries from my Paranormal Phenomenon List, that I feel are redundant (such as the numerous ghost haunting entries without a specific location; in this case the entry Ghost Hauntings with general info will be replacing 5 entries). Incase anyone wants access to them; I’m posting them here, but I will not be adding anymore items like these to my list.

Curse Haunting 001 - Moving objects, hidden religious artifacts, black shadows, chanting, cat dead and frozen. Blessed twice the house was still active. A friend had sent them a hoodoo Voodoo doll, and after the first blessing they burned it, the head did not fully burn. Entity growls in reply. Doll is bound in cloth with salt.
[Location: Washington, PA]
[TV: Paranormal State - Episode 39: Good vs.. Evil]

Cursed Haunting 002 - A family moves into a house, planning on restoration. Activity is childish at first. Then the teen living with them gets into witchcraft. The Ouija board they used won’t stay gone, despite the uncle’s desperate attempts to discard it, nor burn despite the grandmother’s attempts. She finally broke it up with an ax. The teen admits to killing a cat to perform a dark spell, and is admitted to an institution. The activity continues. Blessing seems to help, but activity returns. A paranormal investigation team is brought in, activity spikes.  And the board returns! Activity includes, funny sounds, giggling, possessed items, apparitions, apparitions in windows, and dark figures.
[Location: Zieglersville, Pennsylvania]
[TV: A Haunting - Episode 71: Black Magic]

Demonic Haunting 001 - A man and his family are tormented by demonic forces. He has the gate to hell tattooed on his back, which he has been told may be a real portal. Activity includes, voices, a evil presence, anger and rage, interesting Ovulus results which coincide with the claims, and possible possession.
[Location: York, PA]
[TV: Paranormal State - Episode 45: Hell’s Gate]

Demonic (and possible Ghost) Haunting 002 - Activity includes; apparitions of a little girls and an inhuman girl. The family’s daughter is blamed for her previous behavior, including buying a satanic bible, which her friend tried to burn, but could not.
[Location: Georgia]
[TV: Paranormal State - Episode 86: Night Terrors]

Demonic (and  Ghost) Haunting 003 - Family with 2 teen daughters and a young son purchase a house for cheaper than it should be. Oldest daughter feels like something is wrong with house. After weeks of the son crying out in the night, the grandma moves in to help put the kids at ease, she soon leaves out of fear. Warren comes and decided the activity is a demon. EVPs later suggest there’s three human ghost trapped by a demon. Both records of past home owners and Indian burial sites are found. Activity includes; strange noises including knocks, EVPs, doors open/closing, being attacked in bed, electronic malfunctions, apparitions, possession with automatic writing and painting and speech and backwards prayers, feeling like being watched, objects being thrown.
[Location: Seymour, Connecticut]
[TV: A Haunting - Episode 5: Hell House]

Energy Vampire Haunting 001 - They’re looking for a home, and suddenly get a call from a man looking to have them move into a house they can’t find any evidence they looked at, with a good offer price. After moving in, the mother has 2 miscarriages in a row. And the dog often seems upset about something. The kids tell their mom about activity, who tells her boyfriend, who doesn’t believe. Eventually he decides they need to move, and everyone feels better. Then the animals start acting odd again, and the dog has to be removed from the new home. Then the activity returns. The boyfriend finally sees it. They contact PRISM who come to investigate, they leave when a investigator is thrown down the stairs, but continue research. They found the boyfriend’s aunt had once lived in the first house, fell down the stairs causing a miscarriage. A demonologist comes in, and believes it’s a energy vampire created and feed by human tragedy within the family. A ceremony is preformed to draw out the vampire and banish it, and the mother is scratched by the entity, but activity disappears afterwards.  Activity includes, footsteps, odd noises, a disturbing presence, shadows/dark mists, sense of dread, family members are drained/over tired (and prescribed stress meds they claim didn’t work), and people attacked.
[Location: Edgewater & Annapolis, Maryland]
[TV: The Haunted - Episode 3: Stalked by a Vampire]

Ghost Haunting 001, Nannie Womack- A rebuilt home and it’s yard is believed to be on the location of a murdered little girl’s old home and the location of the murder (100 years ago in 2008). The murder is real, but controversy exists over the girl’s age, she may have been only 8 as her family says, or 13 as the papers claim. Activity includes, a little girl apparition that appeared to several people, eyes only apparition, a little girl’s voice calling mama, and odd sounds.
[Location: Russell Springs, Kentucky]
[TV: Paranormal State - Episode 57: The Anniversary (this is episode 39 by wikipedia’s count)]

Ghost Haunting 002 - Two drowning are known to have occurred nearby. Activity Includes; something in the bathroom that hides in the dark areas, disturbing presences, ghost kids from the backyard, disembodied heads, voices, thermal anomalies (debunked),
[Location: Maryland]
[Paranormal State - Episode 59: The Drowned]

Ghost Haunting 003 - Family moves into dad’s dream house. Keeps some of the old tools from the previous owner’s workshop, and begins renovations. Activity starts up, slow at first, until the father goes to talk to a priest who tells him ghosts aren’t real and that the family should pray together, so the father researches it alone. They then tell the kids and pray with them. The activity mellows down for a bit, but then after the father talks to a psychic at a party the activity starts up again. The mom thinks a child had been hurt in the basement, so on a friend’s suggestion they contact a spiritual healer. She’s immediately drawn to the basement, and the cupboard the father had dreamed about being attacked from, a dark mist emerges, and the healer and her husband force it from the house. The prior owner’s property is removed, his workbench destroyed, the property boundary magically reinforced, and a pagan prayer preformed. - The father now starts to see the ghost outside the house. Nightly they cleanse the house in catholic-ish rituals, until the family is miserable. The entity finally leaves when the father addresses the issue with forgiveness and kindness. - Activity included, feeling of being watched, wind in the house, apparitions, nightmares/daymares followed buy being touched and something punching/sitting on the pillows, clapping along with guitar being played, re-cognitions, and a dark mist.
[TV: A Haunting - Episode 58: Dark Dreams]

Ghost Haunting 004 - Dog barks constantly by the garage, until he is hit by a car despite the fence’s still being wired shut. Then the daughter starts to have conversation with someone that isn’t there, Nick, who she draws as a mutilated body.  She then claims there’s a bad skeleton in the garage. After the mother is nearly run over, the daughter claims Nick is a good skeleton who scared off the bad skeleton. Nicholas, a motorcycle enthusiast, used to live in the house, but ran into a tractor-trailer and died, right where the dog died, and where the mom had almost died. After a Vietnamese ceremony, Nick is gone.  Activity includes; nightmares, being touched, bad feelings, voices calling to be joined in the water and a compelling urge to walk across the highway in the dark to get there,
[Location: Yosemite?]
[TV: Paranormal Witness - Episode 17: The Good Skeleton; Hollywood Sign Haunting]

Ghost Haunting 005 - The Irving family excitedly move into a larger country home. Six week later, minor activity starts, like footsteps and clanking noises in the kitchen. The family’s two girls start playing with a Ouija Board. Their mom later throws it on the burn pile, and unusual colored flames shoot out. Activity worsens; nightmares about something begging to get in, hair pulled and being touched or shoved or scratched, apparitions, levitating furniture, candles go out on their own, mirrors smash. They then find an older woman died in their house. Later the grandma has a heart attack and the family moves, feeling the ghost killed her. The house is later torn, and the lot abandon.
[Location: Chesapeake, Virginia]
[TV: When Ghosts Attack - Episode 8: Voices of the Dead]

Historic Haunting 001 (Underground Railroad) - A white families’ black visitors (and live in boyfriend) see a woman in the daughter’s room. Under the house are tunnels that were used by the Underground Railroad. The team finds artifacts in the tunnel. The woman’s photo was found in the tunnel (given a line-up of copies of old photos, Larry picks it, as does the psychic). Psychic identifies her as a protective spirit, who does not approve of wedlock.
[Location: Pittsburg PENN]
[TV: Paranormal State - Episode 17: The woman in the window]

Judy Road Incubus - Four women experience an evil presence that tries to rape at least one of them.
[TV: Unexplained Mysteries - Episode 18: The Young & The Haunted]

Poltergeist Haunting 001 -  Matt, girlfriend Susan, and their daughters Jamie and Marie move into their dream house. Major messy poltergeist activity, recorded in photos and video - culminating in a attempted fire trap. After the family moved out, others on the block started to move out too. Did the activity jump houses?
[Location: Southern CA]
[TV: Paranormal Witness - Episode 4: The Poltergeist; Watched in the Wilderness]

Possession (possible yuurei [hungry/vengeful ghost] or demon) 001 - Two deaths occurred in the home, a sleeping pill suicide and drunken fall down the stairs. Activity is said to bet he worst in the basement, attic, and second floor, as well as at 3.00 am. Activity includes, apparitions (man and woman), odd sounds, whispering, suggestions of self harm coupled with nightmarish visions, dark figures, beds and doorknobs shake, feeling of a presence, hands in the attic, extremely high EMFs. PS brings in a psychic and a priest.
[Location: ? ]
[TV: Paranormal State - Episode 74: Suicide Possession]

Possession (possible demon Attachment) 002 - Band member and recent widower, and her daughter, start to experience activity as they plan to move. Activity includes, being touched, apparitions of late father/husband, objects moving, tall shadow figures, strange sounds of knocks and growls, and nightmares. She meets another man, that they both like, and he notices the activity too, and she shares her concerns that in might be her late husband, which get the couple talking about Ghost Hunting. When her daughter starts to have nightmares she doubles her efforts to find a new house, and finds an abandon house she wants to investigate on Halloween. There they see shadows, and one enters her and takes over. Her attitude changes, she sees dark figures attacking her, believes the entity to have killed her husband, hears it speaking, and gets scratches and burns. They invite Paranormal Investigators to the house, and she is attacked again, and a priest is contacted. The priest does a test with holy water and tap water, then initiates a exorcism, during which participants see a shadow figure. They learn the demon’s name and force it from the house, and blesses the house, but the priest warns it may return if she does not keep the faith.
- She had a second exorcism in 2012.
[Location: Social Circle, Georgia]
[TV: A Haunting: Back From the Dead - Episode 9: The Exorcism of Cindy Sauer]

UFO Sighting 001 - Carlos De Los Santos, pilot who encountered 3 UFOs over Mexico, 3 saucers with cockpit windows. They temporarily take control of his airplane and damage the landing gear. Some experts assume he suffered hypoxia. - Things get weirder when he’s threatened by people on the ground.
[TV: The Unexplained Files - Episode 4: Spontaneous Human Combustion and Mexican P…]

Werewolf Encounters:
- Palmyra Werewolves - Avid hunting family with an injured father moves to a nice farmhouse in a wooded area. When they see funny slowly flashing lights in trees, father and son go to investigate, but find no evidence. The son and his girlfriend find a huge den while walking their dogs. The family takes refuge in the house when wolf-like creatures interrupt their relaxing evening, and spend the rest of the night in a terrible fight for their lives. In the morning they find tracks that look like a cross between human an wolf prints.
[Location: Palmyra Maine]
[TV: Paranormal Witness - Episode 28: The Wolf Pack
* SEE Gevadan Killings
* SEE Beast of Bray Road
* SEE Dogtown

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