Thursday, February 4, 2021

Possible New Cryptid

Oh man, what a year it has been.

This morning, some friends informed me of recent sighting of a mysterious animal just outside the small town of Vernonia Oregon. If you've heard of Vernonia it's probably either because it's been used in cinema (notably, the Twilight saga) or because it has made the news due to devastating floods.

The creature has been described as kangaroo-like, sort of hopping or waddling upright. There's not a lot of bipedal wildlife in Oregon outside of egrets and herons, so that narrows down the possibilities of what it might be if it's simply less commonly seen or misidentified wildlife. Of course, escaped animals and injured/mutated ones are always possible too. But for now, it gets to enjoy the status of local cryptid.

I'm going to try asking around and see if I can A) get better descriptions and even drawings, and B) pinpoint exactly where and when people are seeing this thing. Maybe I'll even get lucky and solve this mystery.

Stay curious, and stay safe friends!

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