Thursday, June 25, 2020

UFOs and Witches and Stuff. . .

It feels really hard to write a post when I've been away for a year, and only posted once in the previous year. I mean do I apologize? Do I explain what I've been up to as if there's been questions about it? Idk. . . okay. . . so, I'm still alive. And I've not lost my interest in studying the paranormal either, so I don't really have much of an excuse or an explanation. Doesn't help much either knowing that blogs are basically clickbait bot food, so who knows if anyone is really reading this here anyways. I hope they are.

Anyways. . .

There's multiple reports of lights in the sky in the past night or two (and every night if I'm being honest, check out MUFON sometime), some explained and some not. Honestly some the the explained footage is more interesting than the unexplained:

I imagine you've seen the video released by the US Air-force acknowledging 'Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon' (read as UFO), a few months ago. The videos were out there already, this was just confirmation that they weren't hoaxes, 'to clear up misconceptions'. So then, what are they? Well, whether you call them UAPs or UFOs, we still don't know. Popular fantasy is aliens, but why aliens would come all this way to joyride in our mostly nitrogen atmosphere is pretty unclear. Secret weapons and aircraft testing seems more plausible, though you'd think the air-force would be the ones doing the testing. . .

I've been called out before on not mentioning that spirits, demons, and witches are also explanation for UFOs, so let's talk about that too (I was under the impression that this was the explanation for smaller orbs, will-o'-wisp, ball lightning, etc; but it also applies to UFOs and St Elmo's Fire apparently). The idea of demons flying around in bright balls of fire does seem a little farfetched in the modern scientific era, but the lack of explanation for some of this phenomenon does beg the question; what's to say it's not? And would these hypothetical devils profit from modern man's disbelief? Honestly, would they even care? Probably depends which religion you ask. Further, what if we could prove it was demons? What would change if we had tangible evidence of an evil spirit or creature cruising through the air? Could we maybe even catch them, assuming they weren't just intangible? Western religions would be all over that for sure. Definitely would be a big day at the Vatican.

But, I don't have all the answers. And maybe that's okay sometimes. After all, I enjoy investigating the paranormal.

Until next time, stay safe and stay curious.

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