Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Sounds of Terror

Through a series of bad YouTube decisions, I found myself listening to a clip of the WKCR Hijacking (aka The Old Tape) near midnight. I had viewed many cursed image, and listened to some mild to truly horrifying sounds in the preceding hour or so. Horrifying for what they meant, like how a nuclear siren might be the last thing thousands of people ever hear, or the true fear in the voices of 911 callers, or the usually high pitch of some video games' music that many people found so unnerving they wrote creepypastas about them.

But this was different. This sounded like something I should not hear, something I was never meant to hear. To me, this sound was the one that was truly unnerving. The best part; it's one of the few sounds I listened to that was probably a hoax.

The story goes that a 4chan user found a recording they made in 1994 or 1995, of the radio station WKCR 89.9 when the broadcast was suddenly interrupted for five minutes by disturbing sounds including the voice of a woman reading off obituaries of people that died in the 1980's. This list included some higher profile deaths, like Frank Oppenheimer and plane crash victims.

Some people call this the Max Headroom Incident of the radio, while others note the quality seems too good to have been recorded in 1994/1995. Some even claim to hear a 1998 date in the list, meaning it could not have been recorded before then without access to prophecies or time travel. Others believe it was real broadcast, but since the station is college run, it was intentionally broadcast as a prank, experiment, or art project. The host and woman are even said to sound similar. But this, with the fact that no one else seems to have come forward with memories of this hijack, much less a second recording with unique markers, suggests it's probably a hoax.

You can listen to the whole five and a half minutes on YouTube or another site, to decide for yourself, but do you really want to? Even knowing what I know now, I still feel unnerved hearing bits of it. Then again, maybe listening to the whole thing will alleviate some of those feelings?

The audio clip I listened to (and other spooky sounds if you want to listen to the whole video):

Full audio (for the brave or stupid):

Some WKCR Hijacking details (on a blog I'll need to revisit):

Info on the WKCR-FM station itself (in which the incident is not mentioned):

Wikipedia's list of Broadcast Signal Intrusions (which does not include it either, how weird):

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