Monday, November 28, 2022

Paranormal in the news - November 2022

I've notice a lot of paranormal/cryptid stories in the news this month. Maybe it's a renewed public or media interest, or maybe it's just me paying more attention to the news. A lot of these I quickly traced back to exemplore, a paranormal focused media outlet I'm going to need to look further into, but either way, let's have a look:

First up on the 12th we have possible footage of bigfoot. Honestly it's kind of hard to see anything, so just have a look and decide for yourself:

Then on the 18th, UFO lights were reported over Oslo Norway, posted as a tiktok video:

That same day another story involving UFOs was posted. Arnu, who runs an 'Area 51 secrets' website, claimed his house was raided by the FBI, though he wasn't charged with anything:

On the 27th we have vague claims of a Rake-like creature attacking someone at a cabin with some very shaky tiktok video:

And today we have a bigfoot sighting from Upper Michigan,

And lastly in a particularly vague news story, I read about hairy [probably moss covered] snake found in Thailand. This appears to be recycled from stories and videos released back in March. Here's the top result from the March articles:

Stay curious friends!

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